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J Visa


J-1 visa 


J-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa available to aliens that fall under the designation of “Exchange Visitor”. Certain types of J-1 exchange visitors require that the alien return to his/her home country or country of last permanent residence for a period of two years after the completion of the J-1 status.


J-1 Waivers


  • “No Objection” Letter from foreign government or consulate;

  • Interested Government Agency Request (IGA)

  • Threat of Persecution

  • Extreme Hardship to a U.S. citizen family member ; or

  • Designated State Health Agency Request for full-time  medical doctors


J-2 Visa


J-2 visa holders are Spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21, who may remain in the United States as long as the principle J-1 visa holder has valid J-1 status. Unlike most dependent non-immigration visa, J-2 status holders may accept employment with U.S. Immigration Services authorization, provided that their income is not used to support a J-1 holder.




J-1签证的持有人需了解自己持有的签证是否需要在参加交流后回国服务两年。如果需要回国服务, J-1签证的持有人不能在美国境内转换其他非移民身份。


J-1签证的持有人一般可以向驻美中国大使馆提出不反对豁免申请。如果有些J-1持有人存在极度困难的情况, 持有人也可向美国移民局直接申请豁免。 极少数情况下, J-1签证的持有人也可以要求相关美国政府及机构出面提出豁免。

欢迎致电畅达律师事务所, 了解最合适您的申请豁免的方式。

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